Sunday, January 4, 2015

My walk was very uneventful. It was raining, and it was cold. I went up to Lincoln Park where I walked around for about an hour or so. I didn't exactly take a lot of pictures, as that struck me as being somewhat against the nature of the assignment, which is to get detached.

One of the photos that I did take was of a little chickadee which did not want to be photographed. If you look very closely you can see him in about the very center of the page. His distinctive white mask is what stands out. (He's facing the left, if that helps). He was with a flock of little chickadees in this bush that were all cheeping at each other and at me for the few minutes that I stood there watching them.

When I got to Lincoln Park, I ended up walking the course of the XC race that I ran this year, and I took the time to take a photo of the finish between the two trees. XC was fun, even if the constant shin pain that I suffered was, to put it mildly, terrible. 

While XC is fun, my main sport is definitely baseball. I cannot wait for the season to start, and I probably spent most of my time reflecting on the fact that this is my last year, and what that means.